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And here we have all the stuff that just didn't fit anywhere else on this site. Some is humorous and some is quite serious and explores the decision to be childfree. Much of this made the rounds on the childfree mailing list before being saved and subsequently posted here. Acknowledgements have been made where necessary.

Ann Landers' famous "The Childless Couple"
The oft-published column; since the author isn't named, it's unknown whether s/he was a parent or not.

Preparation for Parenthood
What to do to prepare for Junior's big homecoming.

An Evaluation: Why Is It So Important For You to Have A Baby?
A wonderful quiz (written by the infertility support group Resolve) to help couples determine why they want to have children.

"The Childless Feel Left Out When Parents Get a Lift"
A December 1996 New York Times article detailing childfrees' frustration in the workplace. What's fair and what isn't?

One of the most irritating things childfrees hear is the accusation that we're selfish. But are we?

"Couples in Pre-Kid, No-Kid Marriages Happiest"
This article from the Aug. 12, 1997 edition of USA Today backs up what we childfrees have known forever: couples without kids have the happiest relationships.

Celebrity or Notable Childfrees
An ever-growing list of well-known and/or notable childfrees.

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